Tag Archives: blog

Blog-It-Out, Blog for You

So, you have been given a mandate to write and post a blog once a week. But, you are not blogging.

You are not getting paid to blog. You are not expecting many readers will read your blogs. You are continually asking yourself why should I blog? What useful purpose does blogging serve? Even your friends and family rarely read your blogs. You receive few comments.

But the mandate remains so you must deal with this, one way or another.

Write one last blog and declare that you are not going to continue your blog. Accept the consequences. Take control. Problem solved!

Or, disregard all the reasons not to blog and focus on a few good reasons that support blogging.

Periodic blogging helps a writer develop the writing habit. One periodic writing habit will lay the foundation for writing larger  projects.

Blogging can be the repository for your praises and your rants. Blog-it-out through the process of writing.

Blogging provides writers with a forgiving platform for experimentation.

Blogging provides a opportunity for the mini-reports. Each week you encounter numerous small questions. What is that word? How did that idea originate? What is that thing? Who was that person? How does that process work? Blog-it-out.

Blog for you.

Pick a day and time for writing that weekly blog. Enter it on your schedule and put it on your calendar. Use green ink, not red ink. Your laundry gets done each week and your teeth gets brushed each day. Your blog will get written and posted each week.

You certainly carry a reporter’s note book. In the back where you list your story ideas make a page for blog ideas. All you need is one idea per week, per blog.

Place a green note ‘WATCH FOR BLOG IDEAS’ in your daily schedule . Enter this into your schedule for each day of the coming week after you complete your blog each week.

After posting your weekly blog do something (else) that is fun.

Blog-it-out, blog for you.

Changing WordPress Theme and Custom Header


Choosing the WordPress theme that displays blog content in the best possible design is of primary importance.

To preview and then activate any one of over 77 themes provided by WordPress, log into WordPress, go to “My Dashboard,” then scroll down the left hand panel and open the  “Appearance” menu.

Select and click on “Themes” to preview 77 themes (the number of themes provided by WordPress as of the date of this post).

Blog Garage is now displayed in a theme that presents the posts in serif type for the body and sanserif type style for the heads.

There are thousands of themes that can be downloaded from numerous web sites. Here is a video that describes how to find, download, and install themes other than those provided by WordPress.


A photograph was chosen from the Dill photo archives and uploaded into the blog. This is accomplished using the “Custom Header” tool that appears in the “Appearance” menu.

First make or acquire a .JPG photo with dimensions of 770 wide x 200 high (pixels). Save that photo some place on the computer’s hard drive that can be easily located.

Click open the “Custom Header” tool and follow the WordPress instructions for inserting and cropping the photo.

For details about the photograph that is displayed on the Blog Garage website see the “About” page of the Blog Garage.

Add Twitter Widget to WordPress Blog

Displaying Twitter posts on a WordPress Blog is as easy as adding the Twitter widget to the WordPress blog.

Login to your WordPress blog and click on My Dashboard.

On the left hand panel of My Dashboard click the small triangle down arrow just to the right of “Appearance” to open the Appearance menu.

Find Widgets and open the Widget menu with a click.

Find the Twitter widget on the list of Widgets.

Click and HOLD and drag the Twitter Widget over the the side panel of your My Dashboard and drop the Twitter Widget in the location of the list of other Widgets that appear there. When you drag the Twitter Widget to the right you may not see anything in the right hand column. “Bump” the dragged Widget against the top of the window in order to push (scroll) higher in the window. Keep bumping until you arrive at the place to drop the widget.

Answer the questions that are asked by the window that appears after you release the Widget with your mouse.

See the previous blog for a video of finding and selecting widgets.

Blog Widgets

Becoming familiar with the names and purposes of various blog tools and using these tools effectively will result in blogs that attract and hold readers.

Widgets are the building blocks that bloggers use to build WordPress blogs.

Blog widgets are blog tools that are provided to perform specific programming functions. Widgets are a subset of software plug-ins.

A software plug-in is a computer program that performs a precise function and must be attached to (plugged into) a larger program in order to provide that function.

A widget is a plug-in that provides a specific function that can be selected and added by users of a program. In this case bloggers are the users of WordPress blogs. Bloggers select and add widgets to their blog programs.

When a blogger chooses to launch a WordPress blog they have a selection of 997 widgets.  Here is a link to the directory of WordPress widgets:

There is a widget for every function a blogger may need. Here is a list of often used widgets that can be placed on sidebars (sidebars are the columns of widgets that appear on the left, center, or right of the blog post area):

  • Categories
  • Calendar
  • Links
  • Search
  • Pages
  • Tag Cloud
  • Text
  • Video posts

If a function is desired that does not appear on the WordPress widget list, use Google and search the Internet. There is a high probability that a programmer has written the widget and may offer it free or for very little money.

Here is a WordPress video demonstrating how widgets are plugged into a WordPress blog:

Here is a link to a video that demonstrates how to use a widget to change the image of the banner of a blog:

Please direct questions and suggestions to the comment section of this blog.

Welcome! Doors and windows now open

The Blog Garage is now open.

The information presented in this blog will explain the complexities of the blog world to bloggers that are not software programmers.

This blog will examine the useful tools and techniques of the blogging world and explain them in ways that will help non-technical bloggers in their quest for readers and revenue.

Bloggers! Bring your questions, problems, and success stories to the Blog Garage.